
Bax is a well-known universal proapoptotic protein. Bax protein is detected in almost all human organs, and its expression levels can be correlated with disease progression and therapeutic efficacy in certain settings. Interestingly, increasing evidence has shown that mature neuronal cell death is often not typical apoptosis. Most results on the expression of Bax proteins (predominantly Baxα) in the human brain come from disease-oriented studies, and the data on Bax protein expression in the normal brain are limited and lack consistency due to many variable factors. Here, we analyzed Bax RNA and protein expression data from multiple databases and performed immunostaining of over 80 samples from 25 healthy subjects across 7 different brain regions. We found that Bax protein expression was heterogeneous across brain regions and individual subjects. Both neurons and glial cells, such as astrocytes, could be Bax positive, but Bax positivity appeared to be highly selective, even within the same cell type in the same region. Furthermore, Bax proteins could be localized in the cytosol (evenly spread or concentrated to one region), nucleus or nucleolus depending on the cell type. Such variation and distribution in Bax expression suggest that Bax may function differently in the human brain than in other organs.

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