
The Editors of Circulation Research are issuing an Expression of Concern regarding article, "Sympathetic Activation Causes Focal Adhesion Signaling Alteration in Early Compensated Volume Overload Attributable to Isolated Mitral Regurgitation in the Dog" which originally published March 20, 2008, and appeared in the May 9, 2008, issue of the journal (Circulation Research. 2008;102:1127-1136. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.107.163642). Concerns have been raised regarding the quality of data and multiple images in the above-referenced article. The editors and Scientific Publishing Committee are in communication with the authors regarding the integrity of the image data, and Temple University has confirmed the concerns are being assessed. While we await the outcome of this assessment, we are publishing this Expression of Concern to indicate that the data and statements in the article may not be reliable.

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