
We have isolated the collagenase/gelatinase activity of fibronectin from a bovine lens capsule hydrolysate, using heparin-agarose, gelatin-agarose, immunopurification with polyclonal antibodies directed against bovine plasma fibronectin, and immunopurification with a monoclonal antibody directed against the extra-domain A of cellular fibronectin. The expression of collagenase/gelatinase activity by the purified fibronectin fragment was dependent on the incubation time at 37 degrees C and the addition of gelatin to the purified sample. Under these conditions, the purified fibronectin fragment exhibited collagenase/gelatinase activity, as measured by means of gelatin zymography and the intramolecularly quenched fluorogenic substrate of collagenases (7-methoxycoumarin-4-yl)-acetylprolylleucylglycylleucyl-[3-(2,4-di nitrophenyl)-L-2,3-diaminopropionyl]-alanylarginylamide. This activity was due to proteins of 47 kDa and 37 kDa, as indicated by the gelatin-zymography pattern. When the processing was analyzed, by means of SDS/PAGE under reducing conditions, purified starting material of 66 kDa and 55 kDa was observed, and molecular masses of 45, 30 and 27 kDa were found for the processed samples. Under these conditions, the processing was more significant when a substrate, i.e the fluorogenic peptide or gelatin, was added to the processing mixture. An inhibition-profile study showed a zinc-dependent collagenase activity. Using the 45-kDa chymotryptic fragment from human plasma fibronectin, which contains the collagen-binding site, the same results were obtained. These results allow us to define a thiol-dependent zinc metalloproteinase expressed after limited proteolysis of both basement membrane and plasma fibronectins. This proteinase contains a collagen-binding domain, a zinc-binding sequence, and a cysteine involved in catalysis. This enzyme is a member of the thimet family of zinc metalloproteinases.

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