
Pregnancy and postpartum periods are associated with increased risk for onset and exacerbation of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms. Common themes of the obsessive thoughts in this period are fears of accidently or intentionally harming the baby. Postpartum OCD may go underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to lack of standardized screening and potential shame associated with reporting these symptoms. Without treatment, OCD symptoms often persist and continue to impair mother's quality of life and interactions with the child. Literature on treatment specific to postpartum OCD is limited to case series and small studies. Exposure and response prevention (ERP), a gold-standard treatment for OCD, seems to be effective for this particular manifestation of OCD. This article presents a case history and ERP treatment course for a patient presenting with sudden onset of OCD following the birth of her child. Key differential diagnostic features, specific treatment strategies, and practice points are also explored.

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