
Background. The economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has revea­led most popular products in the global market among consumers, in particular those for spending leisure time alone. Among them, surprisingly, motor boats were found. In Ukraine, increasing the production of certain types of watercraft may be a chance to save the entire shipbuilding industry. The aim of the article is to analyse the state and the structure of the world and domes­tic markets of motor boats in order to establish possible directions for the development of the export potential of Ukraine. Materials and methods. The methods of logical analysis and generalization of scientific literature, statistical data on the export and import of goods were used; the tools of market analysis of the International Trade Centre (ITC) were applied. Results. The state of the motor boats world market is analysed according to im­port data. The main consumers of these motor boats and trends of theirs changes in 2005–2019 were studied. The data on the motor boats import to Ukraine is provided. The count­ries-exporters of motor boats are considered and their future potential is determined. The data on the motor boats export from Ukraine is given. The level of tariff protection by diffe­rent countries of the world in relation to motor boats from Ukraine is assessed. Conclusion. When planning a strategy for the development of motor boats ex­port, Ukrainian enterprises should take into account that most of the importing countries of motor boats do not impose tariff protection in relation to Ukraine, and where it is pre­sent at a sufficiently high level, there is no significant consumption of motor boats. For the development of a trade partnership in the direction of exporting motor boats, Ukraine should choose the Cayman Islands, the Netherlands, Malta, the United States of America, the British Virgin Islands, France, Gibraltar, Spain, Canada and the Seychelles –the largest consumers of motor boats. Ukraine needs to pay special attention to the Netherlands, Italy and Germany – countries that will hold the leading exporters position of motor boats for a long time. Cooperation with manufacturers of these countries in the global supply chain of motor boats to the world market could be very useful not only for motor boat manufacturers, but also for manufacturers of individual parts and accessoriesfor motor boats.

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