
This study examines export-import misalignment and gross fixed capital formation in Nigeria. Three variables are used and myriad of control variables, spanning the period of 1981-2020. The model was tested with several econometrics and statistical instruments. The results from the findings indicates that, export-import misalignment has a negative and an insignificant impact on gross fixed capital formation, however, export and import impact gross fixed capital formation differently. There was a 30.3% threshold evidence as indicated in the F-statistics value in the model. We recommend that, the federal government of Nigeria should reprioritize her needs. They should spend more on capital expenditures as against the current trend of 68:32% allocations to recurrent and capital expenditures respectively. Efforts must be made to mobilize the desired level of gross national savings that could be big enough to attract foreign direct investments as FDI will help to complement our domestic savings. Government should work on her potentially exportable commodities. The proceeds should be utilized in the importation of needed technical tools and components. Basic infrastructures like good roads, electricity supply and security must be seen to be adequate. This will help to reduce the drudgeries currently being faced by manufacturers. Efforts should be geared towards a reduction in exchange rate distortion, volatility and general mismanagement. Policy formulators in Nigeria need to enact some investor friendly policies that will encourage, promote and attract more capital inflows (Be it official or private inflows) and provide a conducive and enabling environment for gross fixed capital formation to thrive. There is need to play down on speculative businesses and to invest into the real sectors of the economy. There is also the need to reduce the level of capital flight out of country. Inflows should be tied to specific, relevant and purposeful projects. This will help to create employment opportunities in the long run. Prudence and proper accountability should be the watchword in the management of accruals from official capital inflows and transfers. Production of petroleum products need be increased: Since the wealth of the nation is hinged on this mono-product. Lastly, macroeconomic projections should guide the overall level of expenditure etc.

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