This paper deals with the concept of exponentiability for a special class of multivalued maps. To be more precise, we discuss the exponentiability of a multivalued map F: X⇉X expressible in the form F(x) = {Ax:A ∈ Ξ}, with Ξ denoting a collection of linear continuous operators defined on a Banach space X. Among other results, we prove that, under suitable assumptions on Ξ, the Painleve–Kuratowski limit $${\left[ {\exp F} \right]}{\left( x \right)} = {\mathop {\lim }\limits_{N \to \infty } }{\left( {I + \frac{1}{N}F} \right)}^{N} {\left( x \right)}$$ exists for all x ∈ X, and it admits the representation [expF](x) = {eAx:A ∈ clco(Ξ)}. The operation of exponentiation has therefore a convexification effect on Ξ. By exploiting the above-mentioned representation formula, we derive general properties for the semigroup {SF(t)}t⩾0 defined by $$S_{F} {\left( t \right)}x = {\mathop {\lim }\limits_{N \to \infty } }{\left( {I + \frac{t}{N}F} \right)}^{N} {\left( x \right)}.$$
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