Virtual reality (VR) has transformed education by providing an immersive and interactive learning experience. This paper explores the introduction of VR games in education, with a focus on supporting students with dyslexia and hyperlexia. It discusses the importance of understanding reading skills and reading disabilities and highlights the current strategies employed by middle school teachers to address these needs. The potential of VR to enhance reading skills and literacy development is then explored, emphasizing the benefits of personalized and targeted interventions. The paper further delves into the design considerations for effective VR-based educational games and simulations that enhance students' reading skills, including interactivity, immersion, and adaptive challenges. Practical considerations, ethical and equity considerations, as well as future directions and emerging trends in this educational game, are also discussed. By leveraging VR technology, educators are more likely to create inclusive and impactful learning experiences that enhance reading skills and foster a love for reading among students.
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