
Vehicular Ad Hoc Systems (VANETs) are urgent components of future shrewd transportation frameworks, encouraging communication between vehicles and framework to move forward security, effectiveness, and comfort through vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) intuitive. In any case, the broad selection of VANETs postures critical security challenges, counting potential malevolent assaults and security breaches, which debilitate the unwavering quality and reliability of vehicular communication systems. In reaction to these challenges, the VEINS Vehicles in Organize Recreation system has risen as an unmistakable apparatus for re enacting VANETs and assessing their security instruments. This systematic literature audit points to supplying a comprehensive investigation of investigative endeavours centring on the security angles of VANETs inside the VEINS framework. By synthesizing discoveries from existing considerations, this audit recognizes key security dangers, vulnerabilities, assault models, and countermeasures significant to VANETs re enacted utilizing VEINS. It sheds light on the current state of VANET security inside re enacted situations, highlighting crevices in information and giving experiences into future investigation directions. The discoveries of this audit contribute to a more profound understanding of VANET security challenges and offer profitable direction for analysts, professionals, and policymakers included in planning, creating, and sending secure VANET frameworks. Eventually, the point is to upgrade the security pose of VANETs and guarantee the astuteness and dependability of vehicular communication in future transportation systems.

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