
The eigenvalue statistics are an important tool to capture localization to delocalization transition in physical systems. Recently, a β-Gaussian ensemble is being proposed as a single parameter to describe the intermediate eigenvalue statistics of many physical systems. It is critical to explore the universality of a β-Gaussian ensemble in complex networks. In this work, we study the eigenvalue statistics of various network models, such as small-world, Erdős-Rényi random, and scale-free networks, as well as in comparing the intermediate level statistics of the model networks with that of a β-Gaussian ensemble. It is found that the nearest-neighbor eigenvalue statistics of all the model networks are in excellent agreement with the β-Gaussian ensemble. However, the β-Gaussian ensemble fails to describe the intermediate level statistics of higher order eigenvalue statistics, though there is qualitative agreement till n<4. Additionally, we show that the nearest-neighbor eigenvalue statistics of the β-Gaussian ensemble is in excellent agreement with the intermediate higher order eigenvalue statistics of model networks.

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