
This research explores the role of smartphone apps in supporting livestock farmers in data management, extension services, and informed decision-making. The study investigates the potential benefits and challenges associated with the adoption and use of smartphone apps in the livestock farming sector. The findings reveal that smartphone apps provide a convenient and efficient way for farmers to record and analyse data, enabling real-time monitoring and data-driven decision-making. These apps also act as effective tools for extending agricultural information to farmers, providing access to resources and creating virtual communities for knowledge sharing. Moreover, smartphone apps empower farmers to make informed decisions by providing real-time information on weather, market prices, and disease alerts. However, challenges such as reliable internet connectivity, technical literacy, and the accuracy of app-based information need to be addressed for successful app adoption. Overall, smartphone apps have the potential to revolutionize livestock farming by enhancing data management, extending agricultural knowledge, and enabling informed decision-making, requiring collaboration among farmers, app developers, extension services, and policymakers. However, it is important to note that while smartphone apps can supplement traditional extension services, they should not be seen as a complete replacement, as access to reliable internet connectivity and technical literacy can pose limitations in some rural areas. It is therefore, essential to ensure that the data and information provided by these apps are accurate, reliable, and context-specific. Farmers should be cautious of potential biases and limitations in the algorithms used by these apps and should supplement the app-based information with their own knowledge and experience.

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