
This paper analyzes impact of Hindi films' depictions of Rajasthani culture on its viewers. It also examines impact that movies set in Rajasthan have had upon development of shared identity there. Analyzing cinema texts & assessing pertinent writings, this study is subjective in character.In first part, we learn about Rajasthani culture & its context within Indian society as large. Article then analyzes how a few Hindi films, like "Jodhaa Akbar" & "Padmaavat," depict Rajasthani culture. They offer a diverse spectrum of views on Rajasthani culture & society, and their selection illustrates development of Hindi cinema.This research shows as numerous Hindi films exaggerate the exoticism & romanticism of Rajasthani culture to highlight the need of preserving its ancient values & customs. Lives of ordinary Rajasthanis, however, don't always match to this stereotype. In this part, we will also examine how such depictions have contributed to development of ethnicity in Rajasthan and beyond.

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