
The sentiment analysis of social media has gained much attention due to the succinct nature of comments, enabling access to public opinions. Using this technique, the present study aimed to explore customer sentiments regarding their experiences with Vietnam Airlines, the national carrier. According to the Skytrax evaluation, Vietnam Airlines achieved a 4-star rating out of 5, indicating the need for service improvements to attain perfection. The significance of this research lies in providing a comprehensive perspective on customer experience evaluations. To achieve this, we utilized the Valence Aware Dictionary for Reasoner (VADER) to classify sentiments expressed in social networking forum data. The dataset comprised 670 reviews from the Skytrax forum, which underwent a data pre-processing phase. The results exhibited favorable accuracy in detecting ternary and multiple sentiment classes. The comparative analysis between visual customer ratings and their corresponding comments yielded similar outcomes. Additionally, the results highlighted the need for a re-evaluation of the in-flight entertainment system.

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