
 A B S T R A C T
 This article investigates the international iron trade, focusing on the Brazil-China network and its implications for economic and social progress. Iron supports various industries, particularly construction, manufacturing, and infrastructure development. The study employs descriptive analysis, quantitative measures, and correlation coefficients to analyse the dynamics of the iron trade. The research highlights Australia and Brazil as significant exporters in the global iron ore market, with China as the primary importer. Network analysis reveals China's extensive commercial connections and strong trade relationships with key exporting countries. Correlation coefficients demonstrate positive associations between Brazil's Iron Exports, Brazilian GDP, Chinese construction sector GDP, and world construction sector GDP, emphasising their interdependence. Understanding these dynamics is essential for policymakers, economists, and industry stakeholders in navigating the complexities of the global economy. The study provides valuable insights into the international iron trade, its impact on the construction sector, and broader economic dynamics. It contributes to informed decision-making and promotes sustainable economic and social development.

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