
Biomass represents a significant and emerging energy source. This study assessed and compared the potentiality of agricultural waste to be converted into renewable energy sources in Madagascar. A model for estimating biomass energy potential was exploited, and relevant data about crop and animal populations was extracted from the Food and Agriculture Organization's statistics database (FAOSTAT). Five types of crop residue were considered, including rice, sugarcane, corn, beans, and cassava, and four animal species like cattle, pigs, chickens, and sheep. Diverse conversion actors; the Ratio Product (RPR), Surplus Availability Factor (SAF), and Low Heating Value (LHV), were obtained from various literature sources and were used to assess the potential energy from agricultural residue. Subsequently, all collected data were meticulously compiled utilizing Microsoft Excel and subjected to comprehensive descriptive analysis facilitated by the OriginLab software, enabling advanced data manipulation and visualization. Our findings reveal that Madagascar generates approximately 27.78 million tons of agricultural residue annually, with the potential to produce 181.91 petajoules (PJ) of energy, primarily derived from crop residue, estimated at 128.75 PJ annually, which constitutes 70.8% of the total energy potential. With appropriate technology, the estimated energy potential could fulfill 48.7% of total energy consumption in Madagascar. Consequently, future investigations should prioritize research efforts to identify and implement optimal conversion technologies.

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