
The prefibrillar aggregation kinetics of prion peptides are still an enigma. In this perspective, we employ atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the shortest human prion peptide (HPP) (127GYMLGS132) at various temperatures and peptide concentrations and apply the Markov state model to determine the various intermediates and lag phases. Our results reveal that the natural mechanism of prion peptide self-assembly in the aqueous phase is impeded by two significant kinetic barriers with oligomer sizes of 6-9 and 12-13 peptides, respectively. The first one is the aggregation of unstructured lower-order oligomers, and the second is fibril nucleation, which impedes the further growth of prion aggregates. Among these two activation barriers, the second one is found to be dominant irrespective of the increase in temperature and peptide concentration. These lag phases are captured in all three different force-field parameters, namely, GROMOS-54a7, AMBER-99SB-ILDN, and CHARMMS 36m, at different concentrations. The GROMOS-54a7 and AMBER-99SB-ILDN force fields showed a comparatively higher percentage of β-sheet formation in the metastable aggregate that evolved during the aggregation process. In contrast, the CHARMM-36m force field showed mostly coil or turn conformations. The addition of a novel catecholamine derivative (naphthoquinone dopamine (NQDA)) arrests the aggregation process between the lag phases by increasing the activation barrier for the Lag1 and Lag2 phases in all of the force fields, which further validates the existence of these lag phases. The preferential binding of NQDA with the peptides increases the hydration of peptides and eventually disrupts the organized morphology of prefibrillar aggregates. It reduces the dimer dissociation energy by -24.34 kJ/mol.

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