
This study explores stakeholders' perspectives on the impact of sports in promoting life skills, with a specific focus on punctuality in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. Adopting a Cross-Sectional Quantitative Research Design, the study targeted doctors, teachers, and engineers as the population in KP. The researchers employed purposive sampling (snowball sampling) to gather data from 125 respondents, maintaining a gender-diverse representation. The research instrument, a questionnaire, underwent rigorous development, validation, and reliability testing. Initial psychometric analysis using Cronbach's alpha yielded a reliability score of .775, ensuring the instrument's acceptability. Pilot testing involving 18 participants further refined the questionnaire, ensuring clarity and appropriateness. The study found strong positive perceptions among stakeholders regarding the role of sports in punctuality development. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed for data analysis, revealing no significant gender, locality, profession, or sports format differences in stakeholder perceptions. Moreover, no significant impact was observed based on sports participation levels, first language spoken, or sports experience in years. The findings highlight stakeholders' unanimous positive stance on sports' contribution to life skills, emphasizing the need for further qualitative exploration and extending the study to different provinces, sectors, and sports activities. Recommendations include examining additional life skill variables, diversifying stakeholders, and expanding the study to cover more districts within KP. Overall, this research contributes valuable insights into the nuanced perspectives of stakeholders on sports' role in life skills development in the Pakistani context.

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