
Understanding the genetic adaptations that occurred as humans migrated out of Africa to higher latitudes helps explain on a population-wide level how UV radiation (UVR) exposure will have varying consequences and benefits in patients of different skin pigmentations. It has been hypothesized that the need for efficient vitamin D synthesis was the primary driver for the skin-lightening process that evolutionarily occurred as humans migrated to higher latitudes. This review analyzes the level of support for the hypothesis that skin lightening occurred to enable adequate vitamin D synthesis in populations that migrated to areas with less UVR. Our literature search supported the hypothesis that through natural selection and intricate genetic adaptations, humans who migrated to areas with lower levels of UVR underwent a skin-lightening process to avoid the consequences of vitamin D deficiency. Our review includes an analysis of migration patterns out of Africa and how these affected pigmentation genes that are found in certain ethnic populations can be used to better understand this critical adaptation process when counseling patients on the need for sun protection.

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