This study examines job satisfaction among mobile digital platform workers in Chile, addressing the gap in understanding the interplay between autonomy, social support, and technology in the platform economy. It explores how these factors shape job satisfaction through the following research question: How do autonomy, social support, and technological factors influence job satisfaction in the platform economy? Using a quantitative methodology, 398 platform workers from three Chilean regions participated in a survey, with data analyzed via logistic regression models to evaluate the impact of sociodemographic and psychological variables. The findings highlight that autonomy and social support significantly enhance job satisfaction, while technological usability and transformation are pivotal for positive work experiences. The study concludes that fostering worker autonomy, robust support systems, and user-friendly technologies is critical for improving job satisfaction in the gig economy. These insights contribute to the academic literature and inform strategies for policymakers and platform operators, emphasizing the need for tailored approaches to enhance worker well-being and organizational outcomes.
Published Version
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