
Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia (COP), the idiopathic form of Organizing Pneumonia (OP) previously known as “bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia,” is a well-documented medical condition with distinct clinicoradiological features and diagnostic criteria. COP can exhibit a diverse range of radiological presentations, including multiple patchy alveolar opacities (typical pattern), a solitary focal lesion, or diffuse bilateral infiltration. Corticosteroid therapy is typically effective in achieving rapid clinical and imaging improvement, but caution must be exercised in cases of active infections where corticosteroids are contraindicated, posing a challenge for OP diagnosis. This case series emphasizes the need for healthcare providers to be knowledgeable about the various atypical clinical manifestations of COP, recognize the diverse and uncommon radiological presentations that may mimic other pulmonary pathologies, and consider COP in the differential diagnosis to ensure appropriate management and enhance patient outcomes.

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