
Starting from the bottleneck factors of insufficient innovation ability of engineering majors and combining the advantages of innovative teaching at home and abroad, this paper puts forward an integrated CDIO target training mode. With professional courses and "double creative courses" as the starting point, the new CDIO-I training model systematically studies the training mechanism and teaching approaches of innovation ability objectives. CDIO-I mode integrates school-enterprise cooperative education, Internet Mooc intelligent learning, innovative thinking training, innovative tool use, etc. into the engineering practice of students participating in practical engineering project training, participating in various innovative entrepreneurship competitions, and runs through the whole teaching process. The results of teaching practice prove that through the combination of "learning and application" and "learning and research" , the CDIO-I target training mode strengthens the "zero distance" training of engineering innovation ability, and ensures that the teaching content is systematic, specific, efficient and implementable.

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