
Introduction: Snuhi, botanically identified as Euphorbia neriifolia L., is a deciduous tree or shrub, belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae, commonly known as milk hedge. Snuhi is one of the constituents of Kshaarasootra, which is used to treat anal fistula. In Charaka Samhita, Snuhiksheera (latex) collection is mentioned specifically at the end of Shishir Ritu (mid-Jan-mid March); on the other hand, the Ksheera collection of any medicinal plant for therapeutic use should be collected in Sharad Ritu (mid-Sept-mid Nov). The study aimed to compare the antimicrobial activity of Snuhi Ksheera collected in Shishirante and Sharadritu. Methods: The antimicrobial efficacy was evaluated against three bacterial strains (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Pseudomonas aeroginosa). The study was evaluated using Agar well diffusion method. For samples preparation, 5% solution (ciprofloxacin 500 mg) was used as positive control and 20% dimethyl sulfoxide was used as the negative control. Mueller-Hinton agar medium was used as a culture media for microbes. Results: The results showed that both the ksheera (Shishirante and Sharadritu) have a significant zone of inhibition (ZOI) and Activity Index (AI), but Shishirante collected Snuhi Ksheer have relatively higher ZOI and AI. Hence, both Ksheera can kill the pathogen, but Shishirante collected Snuhi Ksheer showed more potent antimicrobial activity. Conclusion: Antimicrobial activity was better shown by Shishirante collected Snuhi Ksheer against all three microorganisms.

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