
Several studies intend to build bridges between neurosciences, psychology, and education. This study aims to explore the post-learning changes in three methods based on neuroscientific data. By comparing the pre-test and the post-test, this study measured variations of neuropedagogical parameters such as attention, the number of keywords memorized, and active engagement. The results of this study conducted in three high schools in Morocco indicated that students' performance improved significantly between the pre-test and the test station; the psycho-pedagogical parameters measured recorded average scores ranging from 9.24% to 706.25%, and therefore, the use of neuropedagogical principles effectively improves classroom learning. We did not find statistically significant differences between sexes in these psychological and pedagogical parameters. Keywords: contextualization, memory, learning, neuropedagogical method. https://doi.org/10.55463/issn.1674-2974.50.2.29

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