
In todayʼs technogenic world, technology plays a special role, improving the quality of life and creating living environment for future generations. The question of the responsibility of technical specialists for the results of scientific and technological progress becomes extremely important. Higher technical education responds to public demand, defining responsibility as one of the key generic competencies of a specialist, a sign of their professional maturity. The article grounds the pedagogical conditions of formation of professional responsibility of students of technical specialties in the course of studying social disciplines. This is done on the basis of the notion of phronesis, i.e. the use of interdisciplinary connections of social disciplines for formation of ability to correlate own responsible behaviour with socially significant ideals; application of contextual learning; systematic monitoring of the process of formation of professional responsibility by means of information and communication technologies. The method of diagnostics of formation of professional responsibility of future specialists of technical profile is offered. The results of the experimental study of the effectiveness of the introduction into educational practice of the proposed pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional responsibility, which was conducted with students of Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University (Ukraine) have been presented. The experimental study confirmed the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional responsibility of students of technical specialties in the process of studying social disciplines and the feasibility of their introduction into vocational training in higher education institutions.

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