
Abstract. The possibility of oral transmission of the pleistophorid microsporidian parasite Vavraia parastacida Langdon from marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Smith), was investigated by feeding infected marron and yabby, Cherax albidus Clark, muscle to juvenile marron and yabbies. Infections were established in a proportion of marron and yabbies with tissue from both crayfish, and both mounted a vigorous haemocytic response which failed to arrest progress of the disease. The disease appeared to progress more rapidly in the yabbies, in which no natural cases have been found. It would appear inadvisable to mix marron and yabbies on crayfish farms unless the marron are first demonstrated to be free of the parasite. As an intermediate host is not essential to transmission, which can occur through cannibalism, the exclusion of possible vectors will not control vavraiasis on crayfish farms, It remains possible that an alternate life cycle involving intermediate or transport hosts also takes place.

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