
Purpose of the study . Experimentally substantiate the composition of the nasal gel’s base for the viral rhinitis treatment. Materials and methods . In order to select structure-forming component in the gel base, the authors investigated the possibility of using sodium carboxymethylcellulose, methylcellulose, PEO-4000 and PEO-400, carbopol 934 P, hydroxyethylcellulose, xanthan, and sodium alginate as a gelling agent. Solutions of ammonia, sodium hydroxide and triethanolamine were used to neutralize aqueous dispersions of carbopol. To ensure moderate osmotic activity, to prevent drying and irritation of the skin, a hydrophilic non-aqueous solvent, propylene glycol, is incorporated into the gel base. Organoleptic, physical, chemical, structural-mechanical and biopharmaceutical parameters of model samples of nasal gel were determined by the methods of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. Statistical processing of the results was carried out with the help of the program Statistica 6.0. Results . The choice of the optimal gelling agent was carried out based on the studies of organoleptic, physical, chemical, structural-mechanical and biopharmaceutical indices of model samples of the gel. The authors selected carbopol 934 P as the gelling agent. The optimum concentration of the selected gelling agent and the neutralizing agent in the composition of the gel base was established basing on the study of the pH of the model base samples. The sample with the content of carbopol 934 P at a concentration of 1.5 % and triethanolamine at a concentration of 1.5 % was closest to the normal pH of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity; it also possessed the most satisfactory rheological parameters. The choice of the optimum amount of propylene glycol in the gel base is based on the study of the osmotic activity of the samples. The optimum concentration is 10 %. Ethanol (96 %) in the gel base was used as a solvent for essential oils that are the part of the nasal gel at a concentration of 3 %. Conclusions. Based on the conducted organoleptic, physical, chemical, structural-mechanical and biopharmaceutical studies, the composition of the nasal gel’s base for the viral rhinitis treatment was experimentally substantiated.


  • The choice of the optimal gelling agent was carried out based on the studies of organoleptic, physical, chemical, structuralmechanical and biopharmaceutical indices of model samples of the gel

  • The optimum concentration of the selected gelling agent and the neutralizing agent in the composition of the gel base was established basing on the study of the pH of the model base samples

  • The sample with the content of carbopol 934 P at a concentration of 1.5 % and triethanolamine at a concentration of 1.5 % was closest to the normal pH of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity; it possessed the most satisfactory rheological parameters

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Враховуючи дослідження з вивчення органолептичних, фізико-хімічних, структурно-механічних і біофармацевтичних показників модельних зразків гелю. Оптимальну концентрацію гелеутворювача та нейтралізувального агента в складі гелевих носіїв встановлювали на підставі вивчення рН модельних зразків гелю. Фізико-хімічних, структурно-механічних і біофармацевтичних досліджень експериментально обґрунтовано склад основи назального гелю для лікування вірусного риніту. Выбор оптимального гелеобразователя провели на основании исследований по изучению органолептических, физико-химических, структурно-механических и биофармацевтических показателей модельных образцов геля. Выбор оптимального количества пропиленгликоля в составе основы геля осуществлен на основании изучения осмотической активности образцов. Этанол (96 %) в составе гелевой основы использован в качестве растворителя эфирных масел, входящих в состав назального геля в концентрации 3 %. Физико-химических, структурно-механических и биофармацевтических исследований экспериментально обоснован состав основы назального геля для лечения вирусного ринита

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