
The purpose of this article is to highlight results of the experimental study of the psychological conditions of development of high school students’ independence in planning of the professional prospects. The following methods of the research were used: theoretical: theoretical and methodological analysis, systematization of scientific literature of the investigated problem; empirical: testing by «Methodology for the study of the professional identity status» (A. Azbel, A. Gretsov); «Multidimensional functional diagnostics of responsibility» (V. Priadein); «The style of self-regulation of behavior» (V. Morosanova); «Diagnosis of personality self-activation» (M. Odintsova, N. Radchikova); mathematical and statistical methods for experimental data processing based on the IBM SPSS-20 program (descriptive statistics, Spearman’s correlation analysis). The results of the research. Using theoretical analysis, psychological conditions of development of high school students’ independence in planning of the professional prospects have been determined: personal activity, developed self-regulation, high level of responsibility. The research of the independence manifestation in professional prospects planning has shown that most respondents are in the process of solving the problem of choosing a profession; their ideas about the professional future are imposed from the outside and are not the result of independent choice. The research of the psychological conditions has shown that a significant number of the studied adolescents are characterized by high and average levels of personal activity. It has been established that among respondents, the awareness of behavior self-regulation in professional prospects planning is manifested mainly at an average level, that is, the need for conscious planning and programming of their behavior is not completely formed, they depend on the situation and the opinions of people around them. The majority of the respondents have shown a neutral manifestation of responsibility.Conclusions. According to the results of the study, the noted psychological conditions of development of high school students’ independence in planning of the professional prospects have been statistically proved.

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