
The aim of the research is to define a nd theoretically substantiate psychological content of the role competency by describing the features of the process of its formation in the student’s age. To achieve this goal, the theoretical research methods were used: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis of psychological literature, generalization. The results of the research proved that one should study the peculiarities of students’ role competence formation from the integrative approach. The personality’s role competence is found out to be complex cognitive-affective-behavioral characteristics of a personality identifying the students’ ability to perform a role according to the role expectations in order to achieve goals of educational activities. The structure of the proces s of students’ role competence formation is proved. The correlation between individual psychological characteristics and the ability to meet role expectations at the stage of professional development is defined. The basic directions of studying the students’ role competence are formed. Conclusions. The role competence is defined to be complex characteristics of student’s personality, which has certain structural and procedural peculiarities of formation. The procedural components reflecting the stages of formation are highlighted: motivational and notional, purposeful, regulative, the block of «reaction to failure», motivational and behavioral, cognitive and emotional factors of students’ role competence formation and proper competence. The prospects of further researches were defined on the basis of held analysis, consisting in further justification of correlation between role competence and other individual psychological characteristics of students’ personalities. They cause the success of education and solving the problem of developing effective methods for the professional diagnosis of the role competence of students.

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