Inverse current commutation with semiconductor devices (ICCOS) has been proved to be able to shut off the high current of inductors. Inductive pulsed power supply (IPPS) is considered to have great potential in the field of Electromagnetic Launch (EML) due to its high energy density and fast discharge speed. A repetitive IPPS circuit with ICCOS technique has been proposed based on a high-temperature superconducting pulsed power transformer (HTSPPT) in our previous studies. This circuit can recover the remaining energy and generate continuous current pulses. However, due to the low voltage of the primary power supply, the circuit uses the primary power supply to recover the remaining energy, resulting in a slower process of recovering the remaining energy. For this issue, this article proposes a method to improve the original circuit by adding a residual energy recovery branch on the secondary side. The new circuit can recover most of the remaining energy on the secondary side through a designated capacitor. The working process of this circuit is illustrated detailed in this article, and the preliminary simulation verification is carried out. To further study the feasibility of this circuit, an experimental platform was built with a small HTSPPT. Experimental results and comparative analysis show that the new circuit has better characteristics in terms of remaining energy recovery and increasing pulse amplitude.
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