
Electrical conduction and noise of thick resistive films prepared from RuO2 and lead borosilicate glass were studied. Two series of pastes were prepared differing by the specific surface area of RuO2 powder (77 m2/g and 24 m2/g). It was concluded that two regions on resistanceR versus volume fractionv of conducting component characteristics may be specified. For small values ofv resistance obeys percolative power law revealing universal value of critical exponentt∼-2.0. Continuous-inverted Swiss cheese model was proposed to describe this region. When attempting to use power law forR versusv curve for largev special care should be taken as values ofv are far from critical volume fraction at variance with basic assumption of percolation theory as well as obtained values of critical exponentst=5.63±0.56 and κ=6.64±0.82 are higher than any ones predicted by theory.

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