Tritium permeation from the breeder through the helium coolant is a fundamental safety issue in the design of the HCLL (Helium coolant lithium lead) blanket system. The permeation of hydrogen isotopes through Eurofer in different conditions was deeply studied in the past, demonstrating that it is necessary to reduce this amount using tritium permeation barriers (TPB). A strong effort has been made to select the best technological solution for the realisation of tritium permeation barriers on complex structures not directly accessible after the completion of the manufacturing process, but after many years of activity for the qualification of different materials acting as TPBs it was demonstrated that these technologies are not yet mature for nuclear applications. An easier solution was identified in the nucleation and growth of natural oxides on the helium-exposed surface of cooling system components. The major objective of this work is the evaluation of the Permeation Reduction Factor (PRF) of natural oxides on Eurofer steel adding a known content of water and hydrogen to argon, used in substitution of helium. The PRF was measured on disk shaped specimens, in gas phase, using the PERI II apparatus, at a temperature of 550 °C. The oxide layer was produced in situ, in a well-defined range of hydrogen on water ratios. The obtained results are presented and discussed.
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