
The paper demonstrates the feasibility of using iodine as propellant for thrusters with closed electron drift and its economic viability. It describes a test setup for running experiments. It provides the results of experimental studies of the stationary plasma thruster using iodine as its propellant with xenon gas-passage hollow cathode, as well as of the operational mode of the thruster where a mixture of xenon and iodine is used. During tests gas dynamic and electrical properties of the thruster were analyzed. Thermal conditions in the iodine storage and supply system were studied. Conclusions were drawn on how the test object could be improved and upgraded. The paper describes the option to use a thermionic non-flow cathode as the compensator cathode for the operation of the iodine thruster. The paper provides the results of an experimental study of the prototype non-flow compensator cathode in diode mode. Based on the results of the studies an experimental facility was built for testing a thruster with non-flow compensator cathode. Key words: cathode, compensator cathode, thruster with closed electron drift, stationary plasma thruster, iodine.

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