
An induction method used to measure the drift current in thrusters with anode layer (TAL) has been applied for measuring the integral distortion of the magnetic field in the channel of a low-power stationary plasma thruster (SPT). Experiments are described in which the integral level of magnetic field oscillations in the narrow channel of a thruster with closed electron drift was determined. Experimental data show that when a discharge is ignited in an SPT, the drift current completely demagnetizes the discharge gap (the ratio between the self-magnetic and external fields reaches 90%). The same effect has been observed in TALs. In thrusters of both types, the total discharge current is one and a half order of magnitude higher than that typical of the stationary discharge and the plasma glow is observed not only inside but also outside the discharge channel. Drift current oscillations have been measured under steady-state conditions. It has been shown, in particular, that when the oscillations are intense (in weak magnetic fields on the order of 100 G), the drift-current-induced distortion of the magnetic field may reach 33%. Under rated operating conditions (200 G), the distortion does not exceed 8%. Beyond optimal operating conditions, the type of oscillation in SPTs and TALs and their performances differ. For example, in SPTs, a critical magnetic field at which the “turbulent” regime sets in is absent. In general, the discharge current is weakly dependent on the magnetic field.

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