
Ba0.97La0.02Ti0.9Nb0.08O3 (BLT0.9Nb0.08) was elaborated by a simple chemical molten-salt (M-S) reaction. This reaction technique was followed by a process of filtration and evaporation. The compound is subjected to annealing at an elevated temperature (800 °C). The XRD results demonstrate that the BLT0.9Nb0.08 possessed a pure-tetragonal system structure with a space group of P4/mmm. In order to contribute, our solid solution has been scrutinized utilizing Raman Spectroscopy, UV–visible, and the techniques electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Raman spectroscopy was carried out at room temperature (RT) on doped ceramic. The incorporation of La3+ in A- site and Nb5+ in B- site into BT lattice was as well discussed. Also, we controlled the frequency of the principle optic modes. No considerable modify was remarked in the frequency. But the only frequency of A1 [TO3] mode was slightly affected by the La and Nb doping. This could reflect the effect of these particles on the B- site, since this mode associates with a distortion of O octahedron around the central Ti ion. Impedance properties of our sample have been tried against to frequency at room-temperature. The imaginary part of the impedance (Z″) versus frequency demonstrates the existence of relaxation phenomena. At RT, Nyquist plots of impedance show a semicircle arcs and an electrical equivalent circuit of association of bulk resistance R1, three resistances-constant phase elements (R//CPE) related in series related in sequential and Warburg element “Ws” has been intended to depict the impedance results. The real (ε′), imaginary (ε′′) parts of the complex permittivity and the dielectric factor Tan(δ) define a drastic reduced with the frequency. The reduced can be deciphered by the Maxwell–Wagner polarization Kind.

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