Today, there are more than 1 billion ICE equipped vehicles worldwide. Some of them are electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles of various types, hydrogen and gas power plants. The part of environmentally friendly wheeled vehicles is very small. With an increase in the price of oil products in the foreseeable future, all these cars with ICE will have to be either disposed of or refurbished. Moreover, mainly for other types of energy, more environmentally friendly, with the aim of further using the resource of the body and transmission, in order to provide them with the opportunity to develop their resource. One of the promising areas is the re-equipment of the power plant to an electric or hybrid one.Ensuring the required indicators of traction and speed properties of electric vehicles is a difficult task and requires a more detailed assessment due to the great difficulties in finding the initial data and internal parameters of the system. The presented article considers the vehicle ZAZ 965 "Zaporozhets" of category M1, which was re-equipment into a battery electromobile. The vehicle is equipped with a traction electric motor Balkankar DS 3.6/7.5/14, a power storage battery with lithium cells, a maximum voltage of 100.8 V and a capacity of 6.45 kW∙h. The traction motor control system is impulse with electronic power switches. Traction motor power is controlled by a controller that changes the pulse-width modulation (PWM) depending on the control signal from the control unit and the logic of the system. The change in PWM signal also occurs when the thermal protection is triggered, and in the event of a voltage drop on the power storage battery.Experimental road studies have been carried out, electricity consumption by a vehicle at various speeds has been determined, a coefficient has been determined that characterizes the ratio of consumed electrical energy to the kinetic energy of a vehicle. Comparison of the results of theoretical and experimental studies testifies to the adequacy of the developed mathematical model and the initial provisions underlying the calculation of the indicators of the efficiency of the use of electric energy by electromobile re-equipment from common vehi-cle with ICE.
«Системні технології» 4 (135) 2021 «System technologies» На рис. 3 показано розміщення ТЕД та електронного обладнання в моторному відсіку переобладнаного ЕКТЗ
Коефіцієнт використання електроенергії, ηeA визначається за формулою: η eA
EN 1986 – 1:1997 “Electtrically propelled road vehicles – Measurement of energy performances – Part 1: Pure electric vehicle.”
ДС 3,6/7,5/14, технічна характеристика якого наведена в табл. 1. Випробування проводилися на третій та четвертій передачах в коробці передач
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