
The use of polymer precursors as repairing agents in capsule-based self-healing systems has been extensively studied in recent years. In particular, the effectiveness of macro-encapsulated polyurethane in restoring both watertightness and mechanical properties has been demonstrated at the laboratory level, and the experimental methods to test the effectiveness have been validated following pre-standard procedures. However, the use of macro-capsules containing polyurethane precursors for field applications has not been sufficiently implemented yet. For these systems to become appealing to the construction industry, it is essential to further characterize the self-healing effect in terms of stability in time, namely, to investigate the behavior of the self-healing system when subjected to recurring actions that can affect structures in time, after cracking and subsequent self-repairing. The goal of this study was to characterize the ability of commercial polyurethane foams to withstand cyclic flexural actions and repeated temperature variations after release from cementitious macro-capsules embedded in mortar specimens. The specimens were tested immediately after pre-cracking and self-repairing to characterize the initial sealing efficiency through a water-flow test. The same test was repeated at prescribed time intervals to analyze the evolution of the sealing efficiency with the applied mechanical and thermal stresses. The results showed that the proposed system has good stability against the selected damaging actions and confirmed the potential of encapsulated polyurethane for self-healing applications.

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