
During severe accidents in a light water reactor, the core melt (corium) may relocate to the lower head and fail the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). The corium will be ejected to the reactor cavity upon the RPV failure and undergo melt coolant interactions (FCI) if the cavity is flooded with water. The FCI process does not only determines the characteristics of the resulting debris bed which are important to coolability, but also induces a steam explosion risk which may threaten containment integrity. The present study is concerned with characterization of debris bed formed from FCI of metal-rich corium failing into a deep water pool in the reactor cavity. Low melting-point metals Tin and Tin–Bismuth (20 kg) were employed as the simulant materials of metal-rich corium melt. Ten tests were carried out on the DEFOR-M test facility at KTH to investigate the effects of various parameters on debris bed formation, such as melt superheat, coolant subcooling, material. The melt jet fragmentation and fragments movement in the water pool as well as debris deposition on the pool floor were recorded by high-speed cameras. Melt sensors and weight sensors were installed to detect the period of melt jet discharge and the mass of forming debris bed. The porosity of debris bed was obtained through the debris bed volume measured by a three-dimensional laser scanner and the pore volume measured by water absorption. The final configuration of debris bed was also reconstructed through the laser scanner data, and the debris particles were sieved for their size distribution. The experimental results revealed the FCI phenomena and debris bed characteristics including configuration and porosity of debris bed as well as morphology and size distribution of debris particles under different melt superheats, coolant subcooling, materials.

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