Research on the transverse beam dynamics issues and collective bunch behaviors in association with the higher-mode oscillation fields are important in analyzing beam properties and improving machine performance of particle accelerators . In this study, a simple effective excitation and detection scheme was developed to analyze the transverse quadrupole-mode beam oscillation in electron storage rings. Transverse quadrupole-mode beam oscillation was induced by the stripline transverse quadrupole kicker, and then, measured using the stripline beam position monitor in the Hefei Light Source-II storage ring. A spectrum analyzer was employed for the real-time detection of the excitation sidebands of the horizontal quadrupole-mode oscillation in both single-bunch and nominal multi-bunch operations. Additionally, the horizontal dipolar and quadrupolar kick factors are obtained as 6.992 × 10 14 and −4.458 × 10 14 V/mC with accuracy of 7.49% and 2.03%, respectively, for the single-bunch operation. The dipolar and quadrupolar kick factors in the nominal multi-bunch operation are −2.567 × 10 13 and −2.344 × 10 13 V/mC with accuracy of 3.53% and 4.91%, respectively. The experimental measurements thus validate the practicability and reliability of this scheme. Moreover, it is demonstrated that this excitation and detection method for the transverse quadrupole oscillation is valid for studying the properties of transverse higher-mode wakefields and related beam behaviors in storage ring light sources. • A excitation and detection scheme for transverse quadrupolar oscillation is proposed. • This new method is first applied to the low-energy electron storage ring. • The dipolar and quadrupolar kick factors are obtained based on this scheme. • Practicability and feasibility of this method is proved from actual experiments.
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