
The article analyzes motor activity in various competitive powerlifting exercises, which made it possible to develop a training plan for a shock microcycle in the preparatory period for young athletes of the experimental group. The performance of any physical or strength exercise is associated with a certain mode of muscle work, and muscle strength increases significantly. In powerlifting, competitive exercises are: squats with a barbell on the shoulders, bench press, deadlift. The purpose of the work is to develop sets of exercises based on muscle groups that ensure the performance of competitive exercises in powerlifting by young powerlifters 16-17 years old. The maximum force that a person can show depends, on the one hand, on the biomechanical characteristics of the movement (the length of the shoulder levers, the possibility of its implementation with the help of the largest muscles, etc.), on the other hand, on the magnitude of the tension of individual muscle groups. The study involved young puerlifters 16-17 years old in the amount of 24 athletes. The control group carried out the training process according to the traditional methodology used in the Youth Sports School. Experimental according to the methodology developed by us, taking into account the use of complexes of exercises for each competitive exercise. In the course of the study, it was determined that, thanks to the knowledge of the anatomy of the muscles involved in a particular movement, it is possible to modify any exercise to obtain the desired result in the formation of the muscles of the shoulder girdle or muscles of the chest, back, arms, legs, buttocks or abdomen, as well as improve the technique of performing any exercise. Testing carried out at the end of the preparatory period indicates more significant results of the experimental groups in relation to the control group in bench press (t=3,23, p<0,01), squat with a barbell (t=2,93, p<0,05 ), and deadlift (t=2,20, p<0,05).

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