
An isogenic pair of Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O9 strains, with and without virulence plasmid, was used to study the plasmid role in the infection of BALB/c mice by oral, intraperitoneal, and intravenous routes. The plasmid-bearing strain, but not its plasmid-less derivative, caused enteric infection after challenge by all three routes. The virulence plasmid did not influence the peritoneal clearance of yersiniae, but only the plasmid-bearing yersiniae were able to move from the peritoneal cavity to the bloodstream, and thus they spread to spleen and liver. Moreover, plasmid-bearing yersiniae were able to move from the liver to the gallbladder, and they shed in bile into the intestine. Western blot analysis of antibody responses to chromosomally encoded outer membrane proteins revealed similar patterns with sera from mice challenged with each one of two strains by intraperitoneal route. In contrast, only the plasmid-bearing strain elicited an antibody response to these antigens in mice challenged by oral route. Although mice experimentally infected with plasmid-bearing O9 yersiniae developed an enteric infection, irrespective of the inoculation route, differences between the first steps in infection by oral and parenteral routes may be important, especially when the infection model is used as an approach to study the yersinia-host interactions.

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