
Applying organic manure to crops positively impacts the soil microbial community which is negatively impacted when chemical fertilizers are used. Organic manures also add new microbes to the soil in addition to influencing the growth of native ones. Metagenomic analysis of different organic manures, soil, and pot culture experiments conducted under various fertilizer conditions constitute the primary methodologies employed in this study. We compared the effect of two organic manure combinations and an inorganic fertilizer combination on microbial community of rhizosphere soil and leaves of sunflower plants. Metagenomic sequencing data analysis revealed that the diversity of bacteria and fungi is higher in organic manure than in chemical fertilizers. Each organic manure combination selectively increased population of some specific microbes and supported new microbes. Application of chemical fertilizer hurts many plant beneficial fungi and bacteria. In summary, our study points out the superiority of organic manure combinations in enhancing microbial diversity and supporting beneficial microbes. These findings enhance the profound influence of fertilizer types on sunflower microbial communities, shedding light on the intricate dynamics within the rhizosphere and leaf microbiome. Bacterial genera such as Bacillus, Serratia, Sphingomonas, Pseudomonas, Methylobacterium, Acinetobacter, Stenotrophomonas, and fungal genera such as Wallemia, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Penicillium constitute the key microbes of sunflower plants.

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