
Designing heating systems; it is necessary to pay significant attention to the microclimate; which will be provided by these systems on the operation stage. To evaluate the indoor microclimate six basic thermal comfort parameters are commonly used; namely; they are: temperature; relative humidity and velocity of the air; enclosures radiation temperature; activity level of people who currently residing the room and thermal resistance of clothes in which they are worn. All of the above listed thermal comfort parameters should be considered not as separate ones; but as a dynamically changeable integrated system which is sensitive to many factors; but first of all; to heating devices location; it's temperature level and heat transfer method. In this paper; given the results of experimental studies of room indoor microclimate; which were heated with a combination of two heating devices: water sectional radiator of a centralized heating system and electric infrared panel. Air temperature in the heated room was measured with thermocouples which were located in nine points in the room center at an altitude of 0.5; 1.5 and 2.5 m respectively. Also were installed thermocouples in geometric centers of all walls; floor and ceiling to take into account the radiation temperature impact. The heating devices influence on local microclimate parameters was evaluated by means of special temperature measuring rods which contain 8 temperature sensors located at a distance of 2.5 cm from each other. Based on the gathered data of temperature; relative humidity and air velocity; as well as the PMV and PPD statistics indexes graphical distributions in room volume built. The obtained results have been analyzed and ideas for further research were given.


  • Тому також необхідно розраховувати індекс PPD; що вкаже який відсоток людей ймовірно будуть почувати себе некомфортно за даних умов мікроклімату

  • Вимір відносної вологості та температури повітря в “ручному” та автоматичному режимі здійснювали за допомогою вимірювачів відносної вологості; що в якості чутливого елемента використовують датчик температури та відносної вологості SHT21

  • Some observations on the radiative exchanges influence on thermal comfort in rectangular open-space environments; International journal of heat and technology; Vol 33; 2015. pp. 7984

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Education Institutions and Power Engineering
Analysis of the Thermal Behavior of Electric
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