
AbstractThis paper presents an experimental assessment of a blended fatigue‐extreme controller for load control employing trailing edge flaps on a lab‐scale wind turbine. The controller blends between a repetitive model predictive controller that targets fatigue loads and a dedicated extreme load controller, which consists of a simple on‐off load control strategy. The Fatigue controller uses the flapwise blade root bending moments of the three blades as input sensors. The Extreme controller additionally uses on‐blade angle of attack and velocity measurements as well as acceleration measurements to detect extreme events and to allow for a fast reaction. The experiments are conducted on the Berlin Research Turbine within the large wind tunnel of the TU Berlin. In order to reproduce test cases with deterministic extreme wind conditions that follow industry standards, the wind tunnel was redesigned. The analyzed test cases are extreme direction change, extreme coherent gust, extreme operating gust and extreme coherent gust with direction change. The test cases are analyzed by on‐blade angle of attack and velocity measurements. The load control performance of the Blended controller is compared to the pure fatigue oriented and the pure extreme load controller. The Blended controller achieves a maximum flapwise blade root bending moment reduction of 23%, which is comparable to the reduction achieved by the Extreme controller.

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