Horizontal tail is eliminated from the flying wing layout for improving the low observable and aerodynamic efficiency, resulting in degrading longitudinal maneuverability and fight stability. The low speed wind tunnel test study of improving the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of large aspect ratio flying wing model is carried out by using plasma flow control technology. The flying wing model has a leading-edge sweep angle of 34.5° and an aspect ratio of 5.79. The reasons for deteriorating the static maneuverability and stability of the flying wing model and the mechanism of plasma control of the flow field and longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics are studied by particle image velocimetry (PIV) flow visualization and static force measurement test. The control law of plasma control of the flight maneuverability and stability of the flying wing model is studied through flight test. The fact that the flow separation of the outer wing of the flying wing model occurs earlier than the inner wing and the wing is swept back can result in the forward movement of the aerodynamic center and the deterioration of the longitudinal static stability. The shock disturbance induced by plasma can suppress the flow separation of the suction surface, thereby extending the linear section of the lift curve of the model, preventing the aerodynamic center from moving forward, and improving the longitudinal static stability. When the wind speed is 50 m/s, the plasma control improves the horizontal rudder efficiency at a high angle of attack of the flying wing model, increases the maximum lift coefficient of the model by about 0.1, and postpones the stall angle of attack by more than 4° at different rudder angles. The plasma control allows the flying model to follow the command movement better while flying, increases the flying pitch limit angle from 11.5° to 15.1°, reduces the amplitude of longitudinal disturbance motion by 2°, and reduces the oscillation attenuation time from 15 to 8 s, thereby improving the longitudinal flight maneuverability and stability of the flying wing model. It can be seen that plasma flow control technology has great potential applications in improving the flight quality of flying wing layout.
Horizontal tail is eliminated from the flying wing layout
longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics are studied by particle image velocimetry
The control law of plasma control of the flight maneuverability and stability of the flying wing model is studied through flight test
图 1 等离子体激励器结构示意图 [6] Fig. 1. Micro-shock wave schlieren images[5]. Thomas 等 [10] 研究了等 离子体激励器材料、几何参数和放电参数等对体积 力的影响, 并指出采用较厚低介电常数的激励器在 更高电压下不会因形成丝状放电而额外损失能量. Xie 等 [11] 采用纹影和粒子图像测速技术 (particle image velocimetry, PIV) 研究了脉冲对激励器放 电影响, 研究表明短脉冲上升沿会产生高电流峰值 而使局部加热, 产生了圆弧波和平面波, 当上升时 间减小时, 圆弧波的强度增大, 垂直方向上波传播 距离以准线性方式增加. Duong 等[13] 与 Corke 和 Thomas[14] 使用等离子 体控制将平板湍流边界层的黏性阻力减小了 70%. 在飞翼和三角翼模型上, Kaparos 等[22], Keisar 等 [23], Patel 等 [24], Matsuno 等 [25] 以 及 Kwak 和 Nelson[26] 分别在风洞试验中采用等离子体控制抑 制翼面流动分离和前缘涡破裂, 并指出等离子体控 制能够改善飞翼布局的操纵性. Nelson 等 [27] 通过 1303 飞翼模型上等离子体控制的自由滚转试验表 明, 等离子体控制具有改善飞翼模型横向操稳特性 的作用, 在大迎角下滚转控制能力优于后缘的操纵 面. Schematic diagram of the plane shape of the fly wing. 等离子体放电采用微秒脉冲放电形式, 脉冲上 升沿 1 μs, 半脉冲宽 2 μs, 放电频率 200 Hz, 放电 电压为 10 kV, 等离子体电源安装在模型机身内, 如图 5 所示. 洞壁干扰修正、风洞轴向静压梯度修正、风洞气流 偏角修正、支架干扰修正等, 没有进行天平温度补 偿修正和模型底阻修正, 试验结果存在一定的误 差, 误差对升力和力矩的影响较小, 不影响对试验 结果的分析和使用
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