
Recently, there has been an increase in public excitement for cu­li­na­ry experiences, including local cuisine exploration. The wide range of Indone­sian cultures significantly impacts the variety of local food variations, which must be maintained. However, Indonesian Gen Z (27.94% of the overall po­pu­lation) prefers food from other cultures to their own. So, this study examines the role of experiential value as an antecedent of Generation Z's attitude to lo­cal food and its influence on behavioral intentions. This research will exa­mi­ne the role of consumer attitude as a mediator in the relationship between va­lues on the behavioral intentions of Gen Z in Jakarta towards local food. The re­search was conducted using convenience sampling through a questionnaire by a cross-sectional survey. The data were obtained from 130 respondents and pro­cessed further with SmartPLS. The test results show that the experience va­lue of Gen Z has a positive and significant effect on consumers' behavior and behavioral intentions toward local food. Thus, Gen Z's behavior has a po­si­tive and significant impact on the behavioral intention of Gen Z toward local fo­od. Experiential value has a positive effect on the behavioral intention of Gen Z towards local food, mediated by consumer attitudes. This research pro­vi­des input for local food entrepreneurs about the importance of experiential va­lue through the dimensions of customers' return on investment, aesthetics, and cheerfulness. The experiential value positively influences Gen Z's attitude and behavioral intentions toward local food. For academics, this research can ex­pand and enrich research in the food industry, especially local food.

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