
Learning in virtual environments has served to channel the acquisition of knowledge and new skills from interaction with others in that environment. That is why it is desired from the research carried out, to know the learning experiences in virtual communities from netnography, in order to describe at various points the various elements that make up learning from virtual environments and how it can contribute both in the teacher as well as in the students. The present study addresses in a reflexive way the boom that cybernaut learning has had and the scenarios that have allowed the advancement of the use of technology in education. Speaking of the culture of participation that has to be formed in research netizens and the elements that make up the sustainability of some platforms for educational use. Finally, it can be highlighted that, from an epistemic perspective, the learning that is acquired through virtuality is based on the modification of learning that was face-to-face to a new way of acquiring skills totally online and based on active and collaborative methodologies. mostly.

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