The study deals with the pathogenesis and early diagnosis of renal dysfunction in low and extremely low birth weight (ELBW) premature neonates. Objective: to study the specific features of the mechanisms responsible for the development of acute renal failure (ARF) in low and ELBW neonates and to use an analysis of oxygen status parameters as a method for early diagnosis of neonatal ARF. Subjects and methods. The study included 172 neonatal infants with a birth body weight of 800 to 1500 g. The values of blood gas composition and base-acid balance, and oxygen status were daily studied in all the children, by analyzing all the indices reflecting tissue hypoxia. Results. Analysis of oxygen status parameters in relation to a baby’s body weight revealed no considerable differences. The development of renal dysfunction and ARF in low and ELBW neonates was demonstrated to be most frequently caused by the progression of respiratory failure and tissue hypoxia, which suggests secondary renal lesion in the pattern of multiple organ dysfunction. It was ascertained that edema had a direct correlation with a physiological shunt fraction and oxygenation index and a moderate inverse correlation with blood oxygen tension and respiration index. In addition, an inverse correlation was found between the serum concentration of lactate and the daily volume of diuresis. The rate of hourly diuresis had a direct correlation with respiratory index and an inverse correlation with oxygenation index. Conclusion. Dysfunction of the kidneys and acute renal failure in neonatal infants in the pattern of multiple organ syndrome are secondary and closely related to the progres– sion of respiratory failure, as suggested by the oxygen status parameters that may be used for the prediction and early diagnosis or Key words: acute renal failure, renal dysfunction, neonaQtal infants, low and extremely low birth weight, hypoxia, oxygen status, multiple organ dysfunction. neonates. Key words: acute renal failure, renal dysfunction, neonatal infants, low and extremely low birth weight, hypoxia, oxygen status, multiple organ dysfunction.
ФГУ Новосибирский НИИ патологии кровообращения им. акад
The paper describes a clinical case of early enteral feeding with an immune formula in a patient with significant heart failure after cardiosurgical intervention who is on venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
On postoperative day 4 when hemodynamic parameters were satis factory, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation was disconnected; following 7 days the patient was weaned from artificial ven tilation
ФГУ Новосибирский НИИ патологии кровообращения им. акад. Е. На 4 е сутки после операции на фоне удовлетворительных показателей гемодинамики экстракорпоральная мембранная оксигенация отключена, спустя 7 суток пациент был отлучен от аппарата ИВЛ. Ключевые слова: экстракорпоральная мембранная оксигенация, раннее энтеральное пита ние, иммунное питание, кардиохирургия. The paper describes a clinical case of early enteral feeding with an immune formula in a patient with significant heart failure after cardiosurgical intervention who is on venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Early enteral feeding may be a safe and effective method of nutritional support in patients on extracorporeal circulation. Со гласно рекомендациям европейской ассоциации энте рального и парентерального питания (ESPEN), раннее энтеральное питание (ЭП) (в течение 24 часов после операции) имеет ряд доказанных преимуществ у неко торых групп пациентов [3]. Данное положение явилось следствием ряда работ, демонстрирующих положи тельные эффекты раннего ЭП; такие как снижение длительности пребывания в палате интенсивной тера пии, сокращение продолжительности искусственной вентиляции легких и уменьшение частоты инфекцион
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