
Male fitness is often determined by the ability of the male to gain access to multiple mates, although in species that exhibit sexual cannibalism, males might increase their likelihood of being cannibalized with each encounter. This risk should create selection for males who are able to perceive potential risks associated with mating encounters. We studied male Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders to determine whether they use female chemotactile cues (silk, excreta) as indicators of potential risks and how these cues affected subsequent male courtship behaviors. Female treatments included satiated females vs. starved females, as well as a treatment where females had recently cannibalized a male S. ocreata. We performed experiments to assess (1) if males use female chemotactile cues to determine potential risks associated with differing female feeding treatments and alter courtship investment, and 2) how male experience with female chemotactile cues affected courtship investment in subsequent female encounters. At first encounter, males do not vary courtship investment (number of bouts, duration, and vigor) with different female feeding treatments. However, male behaviors during subsequent encounters with female chemotactile cues varied in complex ways, depending on female feeding treatment and male first encounter experience. These data suggest that male experience impacts perception of female chemical cues and offers the male opportunity to avoid sexual cannibalism in high-risk situations.

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