
Mastering of foreign languages, especially English, is becoming more and more vital in the global world. At the same time teaching English at higher educational non-linguistic institutions faces a lot of problems as, firstly, a significant number of students are weakly motivated to learn any foreign language, secondly, they often have not high level of knowledge of the language and in addition teachers have to deal with psychological barriers, which such students usually have. Thus, in order to improve learning and teaching English it is important to create partnership relations with students at foreign language lessons. From this point of view, it is valuable to study the essence of educational partnership and the factors that facilitate interpersonal communication and increase the efficiency of learning and training English process. It may be functional also to share positive experience of using different methods of forming partnership relations at English lessons. This paper has been written on the basis of research of theoretical aspects of the problem, i.e. on analysis and synthesis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature, and on personal experience of teaching English during nearly twenty years in (). During this period we were observing more than two thousand students with whom we built partnerships. The most successful methods for creating partnerships are described in this paper. They are: the methods based on the interest of the students in their future profession, “creative” collaboration with students, “personification” of the learning process. The methods were analyzed and discussed at different Methodical seminars, scientific and practical conferences. The described methods can be admitted by other foreign language teachers. However, it should be noted that the listed methods of pedagogical interaction may be amended. Their realization depends on different circumstances and learning situations.

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