
The article examines the experience of foreign countries in the legal regulation of employment of graduates of educational institutions, as for the best settlement of relations on youth employment, it is advisable to pay attention to foreign experience in solving similar problems. The study briefly examines the experience of some European countries in solving youth employment problems at the national level, taking into account national specifics, economic and social situation. It is concluded that the experience of countries with developed market economies shows that the scale of state intervention in the system of the labor market is significant. A special place in the employment policy of these countries is occupied by measures to promote the employment of young people who have no practical training. States encourage employers to hire young people by providing them with special guarantees, subsidies, and tax breaks. Vocational training and retraining are important in regulating the world’s youth labor market, as the economic costs of providing these services far outweigh the costs of unemployment benefits. Currently, most Member States of the European Union are trying to facilitate the process of adaptation of young people to enter the labor market after graduation through a combination of so-called supply and demand strategies. Proposal strategies mainly include programs focused on vocational training of young people. Although each country takes into account its national, economic and social specificities when implementing youth employment programs, all youth employment programs have one thing in common - facilitating the entry of different categories of young people into the labor market by providing them with vocational training, qualifications and providing the first work experience. Mechanisms of close cooperation and interaction between the education system and the labor market play an important role in this process.

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